

Softball regional selection trial and state championship information.

​​​​​​​​10–12 Years

InformationCombined 10–12yrs
Trial dateTuesday 10 June 2025
Trial Time9:30am - 2:00pm (approx. finish)
VenueRedlands Softball Association
CateringStudents to bring their own lunch - a canteen will not be available.

Students to bring their own protective equipment (glove, helmet etc.)  Balls will be available.

Students must bring their own water bottle (no sharing), and arrive in their playing gear as change rooms will not be accessible.

ShadeAvailable at the venue
CompetitorsDistricts are invited to nominate any number of students that they deem safe to attend these trials, recognising that ultimately a team of 12 to 14 students will be selected.
UmpiresDistrict Team officials will perform umpiring duties when/if needed.
TrialStudents will undergo a series of skill drills and assessments before playing scrimmage matches.
Selection proceduresAs per MESSB policy, one teacher from each district team may nominate for the Selection Panel.  Selections will be final and no further play-offs will be held.
Competition rulesThis is a trial only
First aidSports medicine personnel will be available for the duration of the trial.
Risk management

A Curriculum Activity Risk Assessment (CARA) has been completed for this activity.​

Alternate date
In the event that this trial is postponed due to inclement weather, the trial will be held on TBA. All other arrangements will remain the same.
​Student Official's Pathway​
​Queensland Representative School Sport actively promotes the development of students becoming sport officials through the Queensland Representative School Sport student officials' program.

Students who wish to nominate to officiate at the State Championship are encouraged to register their interest via the QRSS website. 

QRSS Student Officials Program Information

State ChampionshipThe QRSS 10-12 years Boys & Girls Softball State Championship will be held in Ipswich, 21 - 24 August 2025.


13–19 Years

InformationCombined Boys and Girls 13-19yrs        
Trial date
Thursday 13 February 2025
Trial starts9:30am - 2:00pm (approx)
VenueRedlands Softball Association
CateringBring own food - canteen WILL NOT be available

Students to bring their own protective equipment (glove, helmet etc.)  Balls and bats will be provided.

Students must bring their own water bottle (no sharing), and arrive in their playing gear as change rooms will not be accessible.

ShadeShade is available at the venue.
UmpiresFormal umpires will not be used. Students or ME officials will umpire scrimmage matches if needed.
TrialStudents will undergo a series of skill drills assessments before playing scrimmage matches.
Selection proceduresAs per MESSB policy, one teacher from each district team may nominate for the Selection Panel.  Selections will be final and no further play-offs will be held.
Competition rulesThis is a trial only
First aidSports medicine personnel will be available for the duration of the trial.
Risk management

A Curriculum Activity Risk Assessment (CARA) has been completed for this activity.

Alternate dateIn the event that this trial is postponed due to inclement weather, the trial will be held on TBA. All other arrangements will remain the same.

These trials are by individual nomination only.

Students who wish to trial are invited to complete the individual nomination form and return to the schools Sports Coordinator.

Students will not be permitted to participate at this trial without having completed all forms. Forms are available from your school sport co-ordinator.

​Student Official's Pathway​​
​Queensland Representative School Sport actively promotes the development of students becoming sport officials through the Queensland Representative School Sport student officials' program.

Students who wish to nominate to officiate at the State Championship are encouraged to register their interest to the QRSS website.

QRSS Student Officials Program Information

State Championship
The QRSS 13-19yrs Boys and Girls Softball State Championship will be held in Ormiston, 26 - 29 March 2025.
Last reviewed 28 January 2025
Last updated 28 January 2025