Disability classification
Classification is at the centre of Para-sport. It determines the eligibility and groupings of Para-athletes for competition, based on their impairments. Each Para-sport requires athletes to use their bodies differently, classification systems are different for each sport, which is critical to ensure that the best athlete is ultimately victorious. Further information regarding Para-sport classification if available through Paralympics Australia.
Classification in Para-sport.pdf
Information statement from 2019: A
national classification information 2019 (PDF, 3.5MB).pdf for teachers and school sport organisations has been prepared by Athletics Australia. This information resource is tailored to school athletics and clearly explains the processes all teachers must take to have a student classified for athletics.
Sports offered
The sports offered at the state level are track and field, swimming, cross country and triathlon/aquathlon. These sports are offered within the 10–12 years and the 13–19 years programs.
All students with an eligible impairment type must be classified if they wish to participate in representative school sport in multi-class events.
Each sport has specific minimal disability for classification that a student must meet in order to be eligible for competition as an athlete with a disability. Athletes may be eligible for one sport but not another.
Not all students with a disability will meet the minimal disability criteria for a specific sport. If a student does not meet the criteria, they will not be eligible to compete in multi-class events.
The Classification summary provides current classifications each with a short definition.
The disability categories included are those specified under the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), International Sport for Athletes with an Intellectual Disability (INASFID) and International Deaf Sports (IDS) classification processes:
- intellectual impairment (ID)
- hearing impairment (HI)
- physical impairment (PI) including cerebral palsy (CP), spinal chord injury (SC), amputee (A), les autres Deaf Sport Australia (LA)
- visual Impairment (VI)
All athletes in multi-class events must be classified according to the international standard before competing at a state and national level. Please refer to the following information:
2024-master-classification-information (PDF, 255KB).pdf
For further information, contact the Metropolitan East Multiclass Delegate, Andrew Robertson arobe12@eq.edu.au