
Rugby union

Rugby union regional selection trial and state championship information.

​​​​​11–12 Years

InformationCombined 11–12yrs
Trial date
Thursday 22 & Friday 23 May 2025
Trial starts8:30am
VenueSunnybank RUC
Officials meeting8:30am
CateringStudents are advised to bring their own food and water.
EquipmentStudents must provide and use their own mouthguard.
ShadeAdequate shade at the venue.
CompetitorsEach district is invited to nominate one team of 20-24 players.  Each team is to include two front rows.
UmpiresAssociation referees will be used if available.
TrialCompetition draw
Selection proceduresAs per MESSB policy, one teacher from each district team may be nominated as a member of the Selection Panel.  Selections will be final and no further play-offs will be held.
Competition rulesAs per ARU rules for the age group
First aidSports medicine personnel will be available for the duration of the trial.
Risk management​

A Curriculum Activity Risk Assessment (CARA) has been completed for this activity.

Students must provide and use their own mouthguard. This is a CARA requirement.

Alternate dateIn the event that this trial is postponed due to inclement weather, the trail will be held on TBA.  All other arrangements will remain the same.
State championshipsThe QRSS 11-12yrs Rugby Union State Championship will be held in Metropolitan North Region, 24 - 27 July 2025.

13–19 Years

InformationBoys 14-15yrsBoys 17–18yrs
Trial dateThursday 29 May 2025

Thursday 20 March 2025

Trial starts
Venue Riverside Junior Rugby Union Club, Bulimba St, Bulimba​​
Sunnybank RUC
Officials meeting8:30​am
Bring own food and water
A canteen will operate at the trial.
EquipmentStudents must provide and use their own mouthguard.Students must provide and use their own mouthguard.
ShadeAdequate shade at venue
Adequate shade at venue
CompetitorsIndividual nominations  via schools; students accepted via invitation.  Contact your school for nomination procedure.
Each district is invited to nominate one team of  23 players.
UmpiresAssociation referees will be used if available
Association referees will be used if available.
TrialCompetition draw
Competition Draw
Selection proceduresAs per MESSB policy, one teacher from each district team may be nominated as a member of the Selection Panel.  Selections will be final and no further play-offs will be held.
Competition rulesAs per ARU age group
As per QRU, RA and World Rugby 2024 rules.
First aidSports medicine personnel will be available for the duration of the trial.Sports medicine personnel will be available for the duration of the trial.
Risk managementA Curriculum Activity Risk Assessment (CARA) has been completed for this activity.

Students must provide and use their own mouthguard. This is a CARA requirement.

Alternate dateIn the event that this trial is postponed due to inclement weather, the trail will be held on TBA.  All other arrangements will remain the same.In the event that this trial is postponed due to inclement weather, the trail will be held on TBA.  All other arrangements will remain the same.
State championshipsThe QRSS 14-15yrs Rugby Union State Championship will be held in Padua Playing Fields, 24 - 27 July 2025.
The QRSS 17-18yrs Rugby Union State Championship will be held in Townsville, 22 -25 May 2025.

Rugby 7s

InformationGirls 15–16yrs & 17-18yrs
Trial dateMonday 31 March 2025 - Postponed - 
​New Date - Friday 4 April 2025
Trial starts9:00am - 3:00pm
VenueSunnybank RUC
Officials meetingAn official's meeting will be held at 8am.  
CateringTo be confirmed.  It is advised that students bring their own food and water bottles.
EquipmentEach player attending the trial is required to wear a jersey, suitable plaing shorts, boots and socks. Students must provide and use their own mouthguard.
ShadeThere is adequate shade available at the field.

Individual nomination.  Each school is encouraged to nominate any eligible and suitably competent player to participate at the regional trial. Please note that there is no district trial process; students will be nominated directly to the regional trial convenor via the School Sports Co-ordinator byTBC.  Submitting an application does not guarantee you will be invited to the trial.  The convenor will notify each student the outcome of their nomination.

Schools are encouraged to only nominate students who are experienced Rugby 7's players.

RefereesWhere possible, association referees will be used.
TrialCompetition draw and timetable will be available on the trial day.
Selection proceduresAs per MESSB policy, one teacher from each district team may be nominated as a member of the Selection Panel.  Selections will be final and no further play-offs will be held.
Competition rules

As per World Rugby Laws Sevens Variations and

 Rugby AU Game Management Guidelines for Community Rugby 2019

First aidSports medicine personnel will be available for the duration of the trial.
Risk management

A Curriculum Activity Risk Assessment (CARA) has been completed for this activity.

Students must provide and use their own mouthguard. This is a CARA requirement.​

Alternate dateIn the event that this trial is postponed due to inclement weather, the trail will be held on TBA.  All other arrangements will remain the same.

For Individual Nominations: return nomination form to  the convenor via your school sports co-ordinator by TBC  Standard district forms will also be required.

State championshipsThe QRSS 15-16yrs & 17-18yrs Girls Rugby 7’s State championship will be held in Darling Downs Region, 6 - 8 June 2025.

Last reviewed 31 March 2025
Last updated 31 March 2025